Since Sunday I've had a doozie of a cold. Believe it or not, it's not been a bad thing. We're here in this waiting pattern, you see--waiting for life to ramp up next week toward surgery. We're doing very well at not going crazy (er) but this cold has given me a whole new thing to concentrate on: take sudafed, drink liquids, take sudafed, blow, sneeze, cough.. It's taken my mind off my liver (I know!), which is a good thing. Even when my mind is ON my liver though, I'm thinking, "come on, liver... Hang in there. Help is on the way!".
You've probably figured it out...I'm an optimist. My brain almost always (had to qualify that) goes to whatever is positive in a situation, what good might come of it, to know it won't last forever. It makes it easier to stay in the moment, I'm sure, than if I were a pessimist--waiting for the next shoe to drop--which sometimes it does--arriving on your doorstep in a cancer package or some other unexpected package.
This has been true my whole life. Very early I can remember having the feeling that although life was hard and difficult things happened, Someone Bigger than I was very close. I knew I was completely loved in some deep place within--even as a child. I had a sense that no matter what (or "what.ever") happened I would be ok. Now, looking back from this vantage point, I believe that that Someone was my ever-present God drawing me and then, when I came to be a follower of Jesus, the sense of His Spirit in me leading and guiding and speaking to me has never left. What a great and wild ride it has been! Even though at times my spiritual listening skills have been obscured by unhealed wounds, poor choices, the battle overwhelming me...even though...He has never left me and He isn't about to now. I hang my hat on that every day. My temperament is persistent optimism. My peace is a gift and a choice.
By the way, one of the best things when you have a cold?? A blue paper shop towel! Love those puppies. And just now two angels (Chuck and Soon Hee) dropped off a fresh batch of kale from their garden and two big bags of berries--and told me they are praying for me from deep in their heart. Amazing the people that God sends to me.
I treasure you, my family and friends. I'm praying for you from deep in my heart!
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing and sharing all that is happening in your heart (and the rest of your body).
I'm with you on the cold thing--nice to have something else to focus on but then again, I always thought cancer patients shouldn't have to suffer through a cold:)
You're doing great, my friend, and I love you very much!!!!
Jo Dee