Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It all started when...

August 7, 2012

It all started when I went to a luncheon—on July 27.  It is now August 7.  It is hard to believe it has only been 11 days.  Today I meet for the first time with my oncologist.

The luncheon was at my friend Shelley’s house.  She had thought of everything to make the food and conversation beautiful.  We ate and we laughed.  After carefully picking at the chocolate swirl cheesecake, though, I began to have the feeling I might lose my beautiful lunch.  So I discretely went in to the bathroom until the feeling subsided and went home shortly after my little episode.  Came home, went to bed.

I slept and rested for a couple of hours, got up and went to tell my husband, Don, that I thought I might be having a gallbladder attack.  He said call the doctor.  I did and they said, “Go to the emergency room”.  We did.

So…I don’t want this just to be about my discovering the alien form known as “cancer” living in my body.  (I have actually named this alien “The Intruder”.  An intruder is someone who’s not supposed to be where they are!)  There is so much more to my story than the cancer story.  In fact, this cancer is a small blip in a much, much larger story of which I am a part.  I would call myself an out-of-the-box believer in Jesus.  I trust the One who knows me best, leads me, shepherds me, loves me, speaks to me, never leaves me.  I say “out-of-the-box” because I have found walking this walk anything but predictable or boring, anything but a list of rules to follow (shudder), anything but lifeless.  And I am privileged to walk through life with some amazing family and friends.

In between telling you my progress through cancer, I’d like to tell you some of my story. 
I must go get dressed for my appointment.  (Hmm..what shall I wear?)


  1. Beautiful blog Myrn. Just like you. :)

  2. VERY beautiful both blog and woman I agree! this is a wonderful place for Jesus in all His Wonder to be seen on display in your life, your day, your thinking, your decisions- beautiful indeed. nancy

  3. agreed. beautiful post. beautiful YOU :) (truly). what did you end up wearing? ;)
