Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Oscopy Day...Wahoo!

We got to the hospital this morning at 6:50, got oscopied, home by 11 and on the couch sleeping off my knock-out meds.  Now it's 1:30 and I'm feeling more human by the minute.

Leading up to this day I've been aware that people were focusing on the Colonoscopy and blanking on the endoscopy.  I called the surgeon's office to make sure that little item was part of what he was prepared to do today.  I mentioned it to the nurse who was getting me ready and she actually had an order and knew he was looking for a "primary site"--the place where my cancer is originating.  Then the surgeon came in.  Asked my name, birthdate--all that and then said, "And we're doing a colonoscopy this morning".  And I said, "And an endoscopy with a biopsy".  He looked perplexed and looked at the next paper on his clipboard and nodded or something.  Don said something about there being a 6 mm polyp to biopsy...  Got that straight!

They did indeed do both procedures.  He found an "interesting" cluster at the bottom of my stomach, leading to the duodenum that had not been seen previously.  He took biopsies of that little bugger and it is now in the lab being examined.  We understand it takes 2-3 working days for the final word so he will call with the results and they'll be sent to the UW and various other places where it needs to go.  

Done with this step.  On to the next.  

We are being very spoiled by our daughter, Becky, here for a week from Virginia.  She is the most amazing cook.  I'm trying to think of a word other than "cook" because she is so much more than that.  And she goes on her morning walk up the hill by our house and brings me back little nature beauties.  Two ripe blackberries, a seed pod, a daisy, and today some beautiful bark from a madrona tree.  Life is so rich and full.  

Have a wonderful day.


  1. Becky, you ROCK! Love that she brings you all those lovely things. Thanks for giving us an are doing well if you can already make coherent sentences and type and all that fancy stuff. huuuuuugs!

  2. Becky is a personal "chef!" And so much more . . . ! Love, Mare

  3. Yep, one more step done with. Becky rocks. Life is good and you are loved.

  4. The simple pleasures in life can be such a balm for the soul. To see God's creation in all its glory! Thank you for your updates and yes you are loved!
