Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Today is a new day.

Today is a new day.  And I've received new information regarding The Intruder.  I have what is called Neuro Endocrine Cancer.  Go ahead and google it if you must but frankly, I know all I want to at the moment.  Here's what I know.  This Intruder in my liver originated somewhere in my gastro-intestinal tract and is very difficult to find.  I will soon be evaluated by the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (SCCA) Liver Team.  (How would you like to be part of the Liver Team?  Hmmm.  Heart Team?  That sounds more appealing.)  This will be a hard battle.

We should hear this coming Monday or Tuesday about when we are to make our way to Seattle.  They will assume my care and ask for any more tests needed and make a plan.  I still will see Dr. Kummet in Sequim for things they are able to provide...closer to home.

So how, you may wonder, are we doing? The short answer is, very well, thank you.  But here is the longer answer.  We have a strategy for going through this chapter of our lives with grace and strength and Peace that passes all human understanding.  We really do have a Good Shepherd that is wildly able to lead us in the best possible way, that gives us confidence that we can trust Him and that he will never, ever leave us.  What better way to live Life!  There's lots more I could say on this subject but for now, that's our bottom line.  So whenever I start to look into the future with useless speculation or whenever those who don't understand this try to go in that direction in their conversations with me...I feel very free to share my philosophy with them. "We also pray that you will be strengthened with all His glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need...and may you be filled with joy".  (Col. 1:11) There's only one way that's gonna happen, my dear friends.  And that is if what Jesus says is true and I believe deeply that it is. 

Thank you all for loving me and my dear husband and children so well.  Our support system is AMAZING.  What would we ever do?? 


  1. Oh, Myrn. Thanks for sharing your journey with us. You are an amazing woman--your faith in Jesus and your hope in Him is contagious.
    Love to you,
    Jo Dee

  2. Love it Myrna! When we start Whatever and we get to the part of how we do whatever He asks we can just read this post! It clearly powerfully and shortly shows how to walk it out in even the hardest whatevers!!
