Saturday, September 8, 2012

Lake Crescent Lodge

It's been so wonderful to see our kids these last few weeks.  You always wonder...if one of us got really sick how would we manage?  Well, we're just so blessed and encouraged to know that our family is ready for anything and able to step up so quickly it makes my head spin!  

We have 4 daughters and 3 sons-in-law spread out from Virginia to Alaska and Seattle and Tacoma.  They all have jobs and/or kids at home and they come.  And right now I'm feeling well enough to get out a bit and perk up life, if you know what I mean.  Susy has brought our grandaughter Ruby and "grandawg" Taco along.  And Karen brought all-grown-up Sarah.

One of our favorite places ever is the Lake Crescent Lodge.  It's so relaxing and beautiful and no matter what the weather there are great places to sit and enjoy one another and the beauty and peace around us.  So we've gone out there with Becky and this week with Debbie and Keith.  Our neice, Kristy, is coming this next weekend with our daughter, Susy, and I hope we can make it out there with them.  Such a treat!

I hope you weren't confused by my last post where I said my biopsy came out showing no cancer.  That was a biopsy done during my endoscopy of a suspicious "cluster" of polyps in my stomach.  Yes, I do still have cancer--in my liver and supposedly somewhere else yet to be discovered (the primary site).  

Now I have about 10 days to go until we go to Seattle for our pre-surgery meeting with the surgeon and anesthetist--that will be Sept. 18.  Then we go to Seattle Sept. 20 and spend the night before surgery Sept. 21.  In the meantime we have a wonderful visit to look forward to from our dear neice Kristy, coming from California, and friends here who visit and love us well.

Life is good.  God is Good.  I am full of hope--whatever.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Myrn, we also love LCL it is our favorite place to date. praying for you and Don and yes crying is just what our God orders sometimes. So glad you are enjoying your time with your family. love ya, Megs
