Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Results...and the emotional side of Cancer

Got the results of my biopsy.  No sign of cancer.  I'm shocked and relieved and at the same time would love to find the instigator of all this cancer business.  I found this waiting period hard.  I cried, I worried, I DID NOT live in the moment.  It actually felt good to cry--afterward.  Sort of felt cleansed.  Don lived through it.  I lived through it.  I'm getting acquainted with the emotional side of having cancer.  

Yesterday I met a woman I know at Safeway.  She took one look at me and started crying!  Had to work hard to not fall apart right there by the chicken thighs.  She managed and we talked and went on with our shopping.  Isn't life weird?  It was a sweet moment.

So today to get me out of the house we went to one of my favorite places...the Port Angeles City Dump.  I remember going to the dump in the 60's with Grampa Cy's truck, backing it up to the edge of the cliff above the Straits and pushing all the trash over, ever mindful to keep from throwing oneself over with it!  

One day I saved a man's life at the dump.  This was about 15 years ago.  We were backed up to the big pile of yard waste, chatting with the other people lined up there.  Someone suddenly shouted..."Does anyone know CPR?"  I said I did and ran over to find an older man half laying in the bed of his truck not breathing.  So I jumped up there and started giving chest compressions.  His wife was standing there saying something about his having been at the ER last night for chest pains...  I just kept pumping.  Don went to the little pay booth to have someone call 911 (that was before we all had cell phones).  A Coast Guard guy rushed up about then and asked if he could help so I very happily let him take over.  The next Sunday in our local paper there was a small note in the "Rants and Raves" section from this man thanking the unknown woman who SAVED HIS LIFE at the DUMP!  

You can see why the dump always cheers me up.  God used the dump today to settle me down.
Thank you, Lord.


  1. Life is so real isn't it? Not sure if that makes sense, but it does to me. Some things are just really painful, no matter how we think or try to think about it and we have to just feel it and move through it. Thank you for being honest and real.

    I was hit with waves of mourning for my son last week. There is something about 1/2 year mark (this past Monday) that grabbed at my heart and emotions. Mourning out of nowhere, someone reminds me of him, I remember his voice or some phrase he always said. New levels of acceptance and letting go to journey through. It hurts and I just have to go through it.

    Remember my "everybody gets grace" story? YOU get grace and so do I. Glad the dump brought you some cheer. That is a great story!! I love how I have to prove I am not a robot in order to publish here. It makes me chuckle!
    Love you Myrn!!

  2. And I love someone who says, "...the dump always cheers me up."
