Thursday, August 23, 2012

As I was saying...

After our exhausting day Tuesday, I woke rested and ready!  We started working early on scheduling a colonoscopy/endoscopy, which will happen Wed. the 29th.  Our daughter, Becky, will be here from Virginia so she'll get to have a fun experience sort of vicariously!  She's totally up for it.

During the course of our appointment-making day, just when we were becoming a little frustrated at having to wait until next Wed. for something to happen, the surgeon (Dr. Yeung) called.  He had the results of Tuesday's tests (things happen faster at the UW, I think) and said the only thing they found from all my blood giving and barium drinking was a small polyp at the top of my stomach.  Thus, he requested an endoscopy for next Wed. also.  He and Don chatted for quite a while, which helped us both to relax.

One other thing I had to do yesterday was call Verizon and work out a rather large bill issue with them.  A month ago I had greatly reduced our minutes because we just weren't using nearly enough to warrant such a large number available.  Well...we received a $400 bill on Tuesday!  Yep, $400.  We had used double our allotted minutes.  We've been making and receiving a lot of calls, needless to say.  The young lady asked me a seemingly innocent question, "Has anything changed that made your minute usage go up?"  I began to say, "Yes, actually...I have been diagnosed..." and I started to CRY!  Holy Cow.  Crying with the Verizon lady.  I pulled myself together and finished my sentence and we got a little knocked off the bill and upped our minutes--how exhausting!  I prayed later for my Verizon friend.  

All this to say, Life is a never-ending adventure, emotions are running deep and bubble up at the most unexpected times.  (I even cried telling Don the Verizon story when he came home later.)  God is always Good.  I am waiting expectantly for what comes next.  And my friend Sun Hee is bring me more seaweed and Kale, which I will eat.



  1. thanks again myrna for sharing your journey, detail by detail. my heart aches as it reads about telling the Verizon lady about you being diagnosed with cancer. i remember being diagnosed and not being able to say cancer without crying. i wish that you were not becoming so aquatinted with all that is in that world. i can only IMAGINE the impact you are having on the rest of the us (cancer patients) let alone those along for the ride. missing you much, praying every single day. love you so.

  2. testing to see if I CAN comment

  3. Oh....sure that one DID work...all the "wise" things I said didn't ya Myrn!

  4. Glad the tests are scheduled, and confident the Lord will use your tears for your health and His Glory! Praying sooooo much for you and my other cancer friends. Hugs!

  5. A never-ending adventure, for sure. And yes, God is always good. All the time. No matter what...or should I say, whatever!

    Love, love, love.

  6. Myrna you make this all so easy to understand with your witty words. I know all these test do test you and Don God is in control and we know that His way is your way. thank you for keeping us informed and if you do your prep starting at noon it will be over by bedtime for your colontest. give me a call if you want. honestly I dont think I will ever drink yellow gatoraide again. I love you Lord and I lift my voice to you for my friend.
